Recipe for Happiness

Most all religions have at one time or another described themselves as a path to truth and a recipe for happiness. As these recipes are believed to come from a spokesperson for the divine, it’s fair to say that some part of religion consists of a ‘how to’ set of instructions, like a recipe, revealed, as it were, from the Divine Chef.



These prescriptions are, in almost all religions, presented as a correct ‘path’ or ‘way’.

Taoism is The Tao meaning The Way; the hànzì (Chinese symbol) for Tao, 道, connotes ‘way’ or ‘path’.

Buddhism is The Middle Way, a path between the two extremes of religious asceticism and indulgence in pleasure. In both Jainism and Buddhism the correct practice of religion is synonymous with ‘The Path to Liberation’.

The concept of Bodhisattva in Buddhism can signify an enlightened master who has returned to lead others along the path to enlightenment, or this term can indicate the same as the term ‘Buddha’, that is, one who is on the path to enlightenment or one who has attained enlightenment.

Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) is the Way of the Truth (or the true way).

Christianity was originally, and often still is, simply called ‘The Way’.

The deen of Islam is the Path of Truth; in practice, Islam is adherence to the commands (recipe) revealed in the Qur’an and developed in the Hadith.

Traditional Rabbinic Judaism is adherence to the Law (Torah) and the library of literature explicating and studying these commands, Talmud and Mishnah.

The Panth of Sikhism originally meant the Path of the Guru’s teaching, and since, is used to indicate the Sikh religion in general.

In Zoroastrianism, The Prophet indicates the Path of Righteousness and Truth referred to as ‘Asha’ in ancient Persian.

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